WiMAX Forum will endorse M-Taiwan WiMAX Application Lab in Hsinchu and shows the highlights from WiMAX Forum PlugFest in Taipei

Tuesday, October 23, 2007 During the 2007 WiMAX Forum Taipei Showcase and Conference, WiMAX Forum announced the highlights from WiMAX Forum PlugFest in Grand Hyatt Taipei last week and announced that WiMAX Forum will endorse the M-Taiwan WiMAX Application Lab (MTWAL) in Hsinchu Science Park at the Press Conference yesterday and the General Assembly of…

More SKY TV problems, NZ

Saturday, May 13, 2006 SKY TV had problems earlier with some viewers unable to tune into certain channels. It was caused by a streamlining issue not related to satellite problems. The problem caused the following channels unable to be seen: Sky Movies, J2, Cartoon Network, Sky News, pay-per-view movie channels, radio channels including; National Radio,…

Bucharest to be ‘rebranded’ for 800 million euro

Wednesday, March 2, 2005 Bucharest, Romania — The city centre of Bucharest, the capital of Romania, is set to get a major facelift due to a real estate project called Esplanada (The Esplanade), which will be constructed by TriGranit Development Corporation. The total investment in the project will be greater than 800 million euro and…