News briefs:June 27, 2006

The time is 18:00 (UTC) on June 27th, 2006, and this is Audio Wikinews News Briefs. Contents 1 Headlines 1.1 Dung appointed Vietnam’s new PM 1.2 Canterbury farmers to get aid because of snow 1.3 Australian government provides $15.8 million for North Adelaide Technical College 1.4 IPod manufacturer Foxconn broke labour laws 1.5 Drunk woman…

Sweden’s Crown Princess marries long-time boyfriend

Monday, June 21, 2010 Sweden’s first royal wedding since 1976 took place Saturday when Crown Princess Victoria, 32, married her long-time boyfriend and former personal trainer, Daniel Westling, 36. The ceremony took place at Stockholm Cathedral. Over 1,200 guests, including many rulers, politicians, royals and other dignitaries from across the world, attended the wedding, which…

UK family wins asbestos payout in death of railway worker

Friday, November 20, 2009 The family of a railway worker in Oxford, United Kingdom whose death was tied to cancer caused by asbestos exposure received a payout of approximately £100,000. In 2005, Dudley Maasz was diagnosed with mesothelioma, a disease resulting from exposure to asbestos. He had been exposed to the substance during his time…

Strongest earthquake in 150 years hits Costa Rica

Saturday, January 10, 2009 The United States Geological Survey said a 6.1 Mw earthquake struck on Thursday, at 01:21:34 p.m. local time (6:21:34 p.m. UTC) in northern Costa Rica, a Central American country, 30 kilometres (19 mi) NNW of San José and near the volcano Poás. The epicenter was at 20 miles (32 kilometers) north-northwest of…

Windows Vista faces possible trademark challenges

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 Microsoft, the world’s largest software company, announced the name of its forthcoming version of the Windows operating system from its headquarters in Redmond, Washington Friday. But in choosing the name “Vista,” Microsoft may find itself in a legal fight. Microsoft has made a name for itself in legal circles as a…

Mobb Scrubs}

Find Out More About: Infectious Clothing Company Submitted by: LONNIE SHEALY Mobb Scrubs Offers The Best Of Everything. Best Prices, Best Selection, Best Quality. Mobb Scrubs Offers exactly what you are searching for in a Quality, Work Uniform. With all the different sizes from very small to the very large and all the beautiful choices…

Iran’s morality police crack down on un-Islamic dress

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 The Iranian police forces have faced criticism from Ayatollah Hashemi Shahrudi, the head of the judiciary who was appointed by Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, for their re-invigorated campaign to do away with un-Islamic dress. Ayatollah Shahroudi proclaimed, “Tough measures on social problems will backfire and have counter-productive effects.” Others have, of…

Wikinews interviews Democratic candidate for the Texas 6th congressional district special election Daryl Eddings, Sr’s campaign manager

Tuesday, April 20, 2021 Wikinews extended invitations by e-mail on March 23 to multiple candidates running in the Texas’ 6th congressional district special election of May 1 to fill a vacancy left upon the death of Republican congressman Ron Wright. Of them, the office of Democrat Daryl Eddings, Sr. agreed to answer some questions by…