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By Greg Garner
Getting a CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) certification is always beneficial when you face accidents and emergencies. You may use these CPR skills to help your family, friends, colleagues and sometimes even random strangers. Emergency cases like cardiac arrest or arrested breathing require the administration of CPR immediately before taking the patient to your health care organization.
These days many institutions are getting their employees certified, especially health care organizations. There are several accredited agencies that conduct CPR training. Yet while many people thinkonly emergency technicians and paramedics need to know CPR, fact is it is good for everyone to know this skill set as you cannot expect paramedics to always be at the scene of emergencies. Anyone who takes a CPR course will be able to administer resuscitation when facing a situation where CPR is needed.
Here are five important things you should know about CPR certification.
— When a person is unconscious, CPR techniques can restore him back to consciousness as it helps bring back the oxygen to the brain and heart. Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is the first step of CPR, and the second is chest compression. When giving CPR, these two steps are combined in that order and administered.
— The age of the victim is an important factor in determining the kind of technique you use to give CPR. You will have to decrease the number of chest compressions and reduce the amount of pressure you apply while giving chest compressions to infants and children, as compared to adults.
— If medical aid is not provided immediately after an accident, there is a high risk of damaging the vital body organs. CPR given at the right time stabilizes the victim until a doctor arrives or he can be taken to your health care center. Aside to this, it serves to increase chances of survival and speeds up the recovery.
— There are special training courses dealing with CPR for infants and children exclusively. If you have children or are around children a lot, it is good for you to take such a course. You will be able to face any emergencies you may encounter with your children at home.
— Attending a CPR certification course will give you the confidence you need to deal with compromising situations. Emergencies will no longer scare you. You will be able to maintain a calm attitude while seeing to the victim. If you are untrained you may panic and make things worse. CPR certification teaches you to treat the patient efficiently and confidently. You can do all you need to do in order to restore his consciousness.
CPR training courses are made easily accessible by online classes. Classroom-based teaching is a thing of the past. It is recommended that you get your training from one of the American Heart Association or American Red Cross training approved centers located all over America. You should find out about the courses, syllabus, duration, time and date, and then make your decision based on your convenience.
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