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If your old water heater just isn’t getting the job done, you’ve probably already given some thought to purchasing a new one. No one likes standing in the shower and being hit by an unexpected burst of cold, and chances are if you’re already noticing the unpleasant effects of your heater giving out, it’s already causing you unnecessary expenses. Old, inefficient heaters are not only less likely to meet your household’s hot water needs, but they also require more resources to provide you with inadequate heat.
When considering what type of new water heater to purchase, give some thought to what your household’s hot water needs are and how they can best be met. The wide variety of products on today’s market means that you should be able to find a new appliance that both meets your needs and fits your budget. You’ll have to make choices regarding fuel source and tank size, although in fact there are even water heaters in Murrieta that no longer require a holding tank to provide you with a constant flow of hot water!
Your choice of fuel source will largely depend on the volume of hot water your household needs. Electric heaters appeal to some because of their low up front installation cost, but are less efficient and often prove to be more expensive over time due to utility bills. They are most suitable for small households with minimal heating needs. Natural gas heaters cost more to install, but are more efficient. These can only be installed in homes with access to natural gas. The alternatives for those that are a little further off the grid are propane and oil. Both of these require on-site storage in a large tank outside the house.
Tankless heaters can be run on gas or electric, and have the benefit of only heating as much water as you actually use. The benefits of tankless heaters are many, so although the technology is relatively new it is drawing in a large crowd of supporters. You’ll never run out of hot water, you can save money on your heating bills, and their longevity is typically better than traditional heaters. Their higher up front installation cost often scares people off, but the money and aggravation they can save in the long run may be worth it if a tankless heater will fit your budget. Visit KentPlumbingCo.net for information about these and other water heaters in Murrieta.
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