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Marriage Ceremony of Kamma Brides
Marriages are made in heaven and solemnized on earth. Hindu marriages emphasize tradition, happiness, harmony, and growth lustrous with the fall of fabrics, colors that define families’ social, cultural and religious elements. Unlike many communities’kamma community weddings are native heritage, extra lavish, holy and most influential. More than one fifth of kamma communities are spread everywhere around the world. Brides and bridegrooms of kamma community denote the royalty of their family.
Marriage for every girl is huge transformation as the girl leaves everything; she is familiar about and steps in new and different environs.
Kamma marriages are generally celebrated at bridegroom house. Few kamma families have the custom of worshipping lord veerabhadra during marriages.Kamma marriage ceremony is held on bright half of the day.
Kamma Brides
are excepted to follow few rituals during the marriage process like holy bath with aromatic ingredients like haldi, rose petals, natural scrub which imparts healthy and flawless skin within her, followed by customized floral ornament adorn to hair, circular dots of kumkum on forehead between eyebrows, black waterline on eyes, nose ring for ethnic look, classic ear rings and sparkling sacred maangsindhoor for a perfect look. KammaGirl looks like princess on the day of wedding with bright colored dress and with her chunky jewelers from head to toe.
Before wedding ceremony the bride performs GauriPooja at house with her family and relatives. It also includes with the ritual of changing bride gotram in the presence of elderly couples from both families. Just before the wedding the bride takes blessings from elders,this helps them to start her life successfully.
Followed by Gauri Pooja, kannyakadhanam is the next important ritual where bride’s maternal uncle will carry the bride in a basket to the kalyanavedika (dias). The bride and bridegroom are separated by cloth curtain between them, as partition. There after the bride’s parents wash the feet of bridegroom, as a gesture of respect. Finally uniting of bride with bridegroom is most important ritual, where kamma bridegroom ties mangalasutram to bride in front elderly members of the family. With a the vows of Dharmecha, Arthecha, kamecha, Mokshechanaticharami every new bride start her wedding life with her bride groom, which means I will never leave you in dharma, money, desire and attainment of the ultimate.
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Since, Kamma weddings are more color dominated like the saffron color and the golden color. The use of such colors is usually done to denote the royalty of the family. These things are very common in every Kamma wedding. Not unlike many Indian weddings, these entail a spate of ceremonies that solidify the match and bind the couple. Let us see the difference rituals in kamma marriages compared to other community.
Every Indian girl goes through it in a phase of life, the fear of scary is surprisingly overcome with the feeling of love which she had before marriage.
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