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byAlma Abell
If you become injured or ill physically or mentally and are no longer able to work, you may find it difficult to know what your options are. Many people become afraid because they do not know how they will make ends meet and survive without an income. It is important for you to understand your rights as a disabled American. If you are truly disabled and cannot work a job, there are rights afforded to you. You have the to right file for disability benefits and you can get help in receiving these benefits through an Orange County SSDI Attorney in NY.
Tips for Filing for Social Security Disability Through an Orange County SSDI Attorney in NY
When filing for disability, it can be helpful to work with an attorney. You will need to provide medical records on your condition. It is required for you to have at least two medical doctors to state you are disabled and give the reasons why as well as your prognosis. The more medical backing you have to support your disability, the better your chances of getting an approval. Though you are entitled to these benefits, you should know many people are denied when they first file. If you are denied, your attorney can file a court case to appeal this decision and get you the benefits you deserve.
Though it can take some time for you to get your approval, your waiting is not in vain. From the moment you file your disability, a record will be kept of all of the months of benefits owed to you. Once you receive approval, you will be given a lump sum check for all of these months. This will allow you to pay your attorney for his or her services and finally get the money you need, to make ends meet.
If you are no longer able to work because of a physical or mental condition, contact the William D. McGillicuddy Law Office PC. Allow them to assist you in getting your disability approved so you do not have to worry about your monthly expenses. You do not have to pay until you begin receiving your benefits.