Youngevity Review. From a Third Party Perspective.
Daniel Weinhofer
Youngevity is an international direct marketing company which has been reselling high quality products since inception in, 1997. Founded by Dr. Joel Wallach and Dr. Ma Lan originally as AL Global, Inc and changed to Youngevity in, 2006. Youngevity has satisfied hundreds of thousands of customers around the global with over a quarter of a billion in gross sales. Youngeivty is unique because not only are they strategically positioned within the health and wellness industry but also promotes other products in high demand markets.
Products: Youngevity promotes probably a wider array of health and wellness products than any other company in the market place. The primary product line is made up of vitamins and mineral supplements to support a healthy lifestyle however it expands much greater. Additional products include high energy sports drinks, fruit & vegetalbe capsules, home & garden products, a diet line and even products for your pets. Youngevity also markets personal care products such as, shampoo & conditioner, a make up line and skin care products. Recently they entered into an agreement to market an eco-efficient fuel product. These are just the products sold under Youngevity and do not even include product marketed by the “Youngevity Family Companies”.Market: Youngevity is positioned to handle the needs and desires of the Baby Boomer. As the largest segment of our population grows older, with the oldest “Boomer” turning 65 in, 2011, the one thing they hold near and dear to their heart is maintaining their youth and vitality. Demand will continue to grow in this already multi-billion dollar industry. The only issue to consider is that Youngevity has literally thousands of other companies competing for these dollars.Leadership: Dr. Joel Wallach, co-founder of Youngevity has been involved in biomedical research and clinical medicine for over 30 years. Dr. Wallach has also co-authored text books and still travels the world giving health lectures which include information about becoming involved with Youngevity. “Dead Doctor’s Don’t Lie” was created by Wallach after years of research. Discovering that the life span of the average doctor in American is several years shorter than that of the average couch potato Dr. Wallach reveals his findings in this tape.. It’s estimated that approximately 46 million copies of this tape were sold worldwide and used by countless numbers of network marketing companies over the years to promote the need for nutritional supplements. This tape has been a great informational tool as well as an eye opener. Many people became distributors with a variety of different companies as a result however this method may be a little dated for growing a business with all the technological advances.Compensation Plan: Youngevity uses a unilevel compensation plan which rewards associates with up to 8 levels of compensation plus associates can qualify for generational overrides. Associates can also earn a “Quick Start Bonus” as well as leadership incentives called “Dream Bonus”. This well balanced compensation plan is capable of producing part time income to full time income and can even produce a substanital income for the associates who can build large teams. Building large organization and teams can sometimes take time however using both offline and online strategies these time periods can be compressed.Youngevity has the potential to be a solid business opportunity. I would recommend finding a strong team which uses both ‘old school’ and current technology to promote the business.
I have found that many associates are only using ‘old school’ methods to build their business. These methods work and have for over 50 years however they might not be the most effective ways of building today. Technology provides you a systematic method of building the business, can compress time and create additional streams of income. There is free information and training waiting for you which can dramaticly increase your results with Youngevity or any other network marketing business.
Yes, I want the free information and training. NOW!
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Youngevity Review. From a Third Party Perspective.}