Heavy Metal Toxicity, Detox Today!

Submitted by: Steffen A.Hall

You Are What You Eat!

You are what you eat. But you are also what you drink, breathe and absorb. Any substance that finds its way into your body can affect you for better or for worse. This is why detoxification should be an important part of your health regimen. There are many ways of detoxification, however, the most effective method of detoxification of all is via Sauna Therapy. Doctors has long used Sauna Therapy to treat patients suffering from Heavy metal and toxin intoxication.

Most Of Use Are Contaminated

Most individuals have more lead and mercury in their body than is compatible with optimal health. Research has estimated that in excess of 50% of the U.S. population suffers from some form of heavy metal toxicity. Many of the heavy metals in the body are a result of environmental contamination due to industry. Common sources of heavy metal toxicity, in addition to industrial sources, include mercury from dental fillings, lead from pesticide sprays, cooking utensils, solder in tin cans, cigarette smoke, contaminated fish, cosmetics and antacids. Early signs of heavy metal poisoning are vague and often attributed to other problems. Symptoms may include headaches, fatigue, muscle pains, indigestion, tremors, constipation, anemia, pallor, dizziness and poor coordination. Even minimal heavy metal toxicity can impair the ability to think clearly or to have mental concentration. Doctors often recommend that their patients take a daily sauna session to clear their systems of toxins and heavy metals.


Heavy Metal Toxicity

The first step in treating any heavy metal toxicity is to identify the toxic elements and begin the removal process. The easiest screening process is a Hair Analysis. Additional testing involves the use of chelating drugs along with a 24-hour urine collection to determine levels of heavy metals. From here, treatment is based on the individual and will usually involve the use of metal chelating drugs or intravenous EDTA chelation. For many patients, intravenous Vitamin C and replacement mineral infusions are also recommended to support the body through the metal removal process. Once laboratory tests indicate that the heavy metals are undetectable, treatment is considered complete. Often many – if not all – symptoms previously experienced will have resolved, though some may linger, indicating residual damage to organ systems. Therapies can then be targeted to these systems and any specific problems remaining. Most common and effective therapies would include a daily Sauna Therapy session.

Chronic Intoxication

Chronic intoxication by Hg or Pb, etc., implies absorption for a long time (years or decades) of a very low daily dose. But a very large body burden (100 milligrams or more) may accumulate in skeleton. Bone, unlike soft tissue, produces few detectable symptoms; but, the metal may leak out later due to osteoporosis, etc., causing kidney disease, etc. If it is found that chronic Hg intoxication does produce large body burdens, we feel the problem will be very dangerously different from that of acute intoxication. In the acute case, exposure to high levels of the metal for a short time (i.e., usually months or less) produces high levels in soft tissue and dramatic symptoms (but a considerably smaller body burden that has not had time to transfer much to bone storage). We think that some methods of Hg excretion, especially sweating, may prove to be satisfactory solutions for the higher Hg body burdens of chronic Hg intoxication in most people.

However, some detox methods that are used safety for atherosclerosis and for acute intoxication by Hg, etc., may be unsuitable if body burden is high. One of the most effective method is to go for sauna therapy. Millions of pores within your skin is capable of excreting more heavy metal and toxins from your body better than what your kidneys can do. 15 minutes of sauna therapy is equivalent to 24 hours of working kidney time!

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Sauna Detox

! Everyone today is exposed to heavy metals and toxic chemicals. Find out how you can

Detox Heavy Metals






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